Windycon Covid-19 Policy

Windycon and ISFIC are committed to the health and safety of our fannish family, and that will always be our first priority. As we plan the 2024 convention, we will be making many decisions that try to balance that priority against providing all those elements that make a Windycon, well, Windycon.

It is far too early for a policy to be set. The ISFiC Board will be meeting around Memorial Day, and then again around Labor Day to discuss the state of everything and make the best decision we can. As decisions are made, we will update this page and social media with any decisions made by the ISFiC Board.

A final decision will be made and posted by October 1, 2024.

Health and Wellness Rollover Policy

ISFiC and Windycon place the health and well-being of our fannish family above everything else. If you register for Windycon and something happens so that you cannot attend, contact Registration and we will rollover your membership to next year's convention.

If you have any questions, please email